Sunday Morning Worship

We offer two services on Sundays; an 8:30 am “traditional” service, and a 10:50 am “contemporary” service. Both services seek to worship God in spirit and truth through song, scripture readings, prayer, giving, and a message rooted in God’s Word.

What should I wear?

Come as you are. You will see people dressed in everything from shorts and flip-flops to polos and khakis. There really is no dress code, so dress comfortably. 

What do I do with my kids?

WE LOVE KIDS! Serving kids and families is a big part of our mission as a church overall.

Kids are more than welcome to stay with you during service, or you are welcome to take them to either our nursery (birth – potty-trained) or Junior Church (4yrs – 5th grade) during 2nd service. We simply ask that you remember to take them home with you 🙂

Free activity bags are available as you enter the sanctuary to help keep kids occupied during the service if you like.

Can I bring my baby with me to worship? 

Yes! You are more than welcome to bring your baby to service. You are also welcome to leave them with one of our vetted nursery volunteers if you like, where they will happily care for them.

Our pastor loves babies, so if your baby makes a little noise in service, it won’t be a bother to him at all. It’s not uncommon for him to even hold babies, and for toddlers to sometimes wander up to him during service, and that’s totally ok with him

If your baby needs to be changed during service or you would like a quiet place to breastfeed, there is a “cry room” just outside the sanctuary with a changing table, comfortable seating, and toys.

What can I expect?

When you arrive, you can expect to be greeted at the door by a friendly face. If you have any questions, these people will know where to find answers. 

Regarding services, you can expect services to begin with a few brief announcements, a “call to worship” from God’s Word, a prayer and time of giving, and then a time of worship through song. Our first service features traditional hymns and choruses, while our 2nd service features more modern music with a full band. 

During the song time, there will be an opportunity for those who would like to come forward for prayer to do so. We don’t single anyone out, we simply open the invitation and anyone is welcome to come who would like to pray. 

We then have a scripture reading followed by a message from God’s Word.

Our messages seek to communicate the truth of God’s Word, share the good news of what Jesus has done, and challenge us all to follow what the Bible teaches. 

Our services tend to last a little over 1 hour.

The 3rd Sunday of each month, each service ends with a celebration of the Lord’s Supper (a.k.a. communion). Any follower of Jesus is welcome to participate. You don’t have to be a member.

Am I expected to give?


Will I be singled out?





On Wednesday evenings during the school year, we offer a night for all ages to learn, grow, and have fun while doing it!

We offer Kid’s Club, Youth Group, and adult prayer meeting & Bible Study.

Office Hours

Our office hours are Monday—Thursday 9AM-3PM