“Paulitics” – Acts 24:1-27

“Paulitics” – Acts 24:1-27

June 12, 2022 Acts 24:1-27 “Paulitics” Service Overview: This is the first of a trio of encounters Paul has with Roman politicians, each of which reject Christ for various reasons. But in this case, while the approach Paul’s accusers take is one of flattery, Paul’s approach is the bare truth of the matter. Paul trusted...

“Killer Conspiracy” – Acts 23:12-35

“Killer Conspiracy” – Acts 23:12-35

June 5, 2022 Acts 23:12-35 “Killer Conspiracy”   Service Overview: Some Jews once again gather to try and have Paul killed; even going so far as to promise not to eat or drink until he was dead. Little did they know Paul’s life was in God’s hands, not theirs. And God’s cosmic conspiracy to get...

“Dispute and Distract” – Acts 22:30-23:11

“Dispute and Distract” – Acts 22:30-23:11

May 29, 2022 Acts 22:30-23:11 “Dispute and Distract” Service Overview: Paul’s appearance before the Sanhedrin placed their dysfunctionality on full display. God wasn’t done with Paul and so Paul brings up a matter more controversial to these people than even he was; the idea of resurrection. This distraction, and the drama that unfolds, once again...

“Paul’s Defense – Part 2” – Acts 22:21-29

“Paul’s Defense – Part 2” – Acts 22:21-29

May 22, 2022 Acts 22:21-29 “Paul’s Defense – Part 2” Service Overview: Paul’s audience was tuned in, that is, until “Gentile” rolled off his tongue. This word triggered the crowd, and it was Rome to the “rescue” once again for Paul.   Memory Verse for the Week: “Many are the plans in a person’s heart,...

“Paul’s Defense – Part 1” – Acts 21:37-22:22

“Paul’s Defense – Part 1” – Acts 21:37-22:22

May 15, 2022 Acts 21:37-22:22 “Paul’s Defense – Part 1” Service Overview: Paul serves as a good example of someone who made a good faith effort to establish common ground with his audience before diving into the controversial things he would have to say. Paul indeed “became like a Jew, to win the Jews” (1...

Arrest and a Rescue – Acts 21:27-36

Arrest and a Rescue – Acts 21:27-36

May 8, 2022 Acts 21:27-36 “Arrest and A Rescue” Service Overview: The rumors of Paul’s abandonment of the law grew, and a mob was stirred. But as fate (or rather providence) would have it, Paul is rescued by none other than the Romans themselves. God’s rescue can come in surprising ways at times.   Memory...

“Rumor Has It” – Acts 21:17-25

“Rumor Has It” – Acts 21:17-25

May 1, 2022 Acts 21:17-25 “Rumor Has It” Service Overview: Rumor had it that Paul was teaching Jews to turn away from the law, but this just wasn’t true. To prove it, Paul not only participates in a purification ritual with some local Jews, but pays for their participation OUT OF HIS OWN POCKET! Sometimes...

“Worth It All” – Acts 21:1-17

“Worth It All” – Acts 21:1-17

April 24, 2022 Acts 21:1-17 “Worth It All” Service Overview: By this point in Paul’s ministry, nothing was more important than accomplishing the mission Jesus gave him, and relentlessly following the Spirit’s lead in the process; even if it meant death. Paul’s future was in God’s hands, and Paul serves as the ultimate example of...

“Come See, Go Tell” – Mark 16:1-7 (Easter 2022)

“Come See, Go Tell” – Mark 16:1-7 (Easter 2022)

April 17, 2022 Easter! Mark 16:1-7 “Come See, Go Tell” Service Overview: The resurrection serves as the focal point to all of human history. The One who rose, did so in order to defeat sin and death for all those who turn to him in faith. And the call to all those who do so...

Matthew 21:1-11 – “The King is Here” –  Palm Sunday

Matthew 21:1-11 – “The King is Here” – Palm Sunday

April 10, 2022  Palm Sunday Matthew 21:1-11 “The King is Here” Service Overview: On the first Palm Sunday, Jesus was widely welcomed as king. Five days later, we find those same people shouting “crucify”. Why? Because their hearts were fickle. God gives mankind the ability to choose who sits on the throne of their hearts,...