April 3, 2022 Acts 20:13-38 “A Race Well Run” Service Overview: Paul, not knowing what his journey to Jerusalem had in store, had one singular focus; to finish his race well, and complete the task Jesus gave him. Memory Verse for the Week: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of...
Category: Pastor Dave
“Midnight Message” – Acts 20:1-12
March 27, 2022 Acts 20:1-12 “Midnight Message” Service Overview: Acts 20 records the conclusion of Paul’s third missionary journey. More than just a travelogue, this chapter holds gems of insight for today’s church if we’re willing to dig in. For one particular young man in this text, his fate serves as a perpetual caution for...
“Riot for Riches” – Acts 19:23-41
March 20, 2022 Acts 19:23-41 “Riot for Riches” Service Overview: “In the great cosmic conflict for the souls of people, every intrusion of good is met by the fierce resistance of evil.” (Grant Osborne) Such was the case in Ephesus; where an idol-maker became threatened by the people’s conversion to the Way, and subsequently caused...
“Power in The Name” – Acts 19:1-22
March 13, 2022 Acts 19:1-22 “Power in The Name” Service Overview: There is power in the name of Jesus, but it is never to be used flippantly or for personal gain. God did great things through those who were in step with Jesus, but to those who weren’t, to those merely using Jesus’ name for...
“Partners in Crime” – Acts 18:18-28
March 6, 2022 Acts 18:18-28 “Partners in Crime” Service Overview: Priscilla, Aquila, and Apollos serve as great examples of people who have Jesus’ mission is in focus. They had an eye on eternity, an attitude of availability, and were committed to ministry; serving to advance the mission of Jesus. Memory Verse for the Week: “So...
“The Power of Partnership” – Acts 18:1-17
February 27, 2022 Acts 18:1-17 “The Power of Partnership” Service Overview: In having many partners, much can be accomplished. In Acts 18, Paul is seen taking steps to not only survive, but thrive in ministry by partnering with others who helped to make the work of gospel-spreading both efficient and effective. Memory Verse for...
“The Unknown Made Known” – Acts 17:16-34
February 13, 2022 Acts 17:16-34 “The Unknown Made Known” Service Overview: Paul found inroads to presenting the gospel to the people of Athens by reasoning with them from where they were at, and by finding connecting points they would appreciate and understand. Indeed, Paul became all things to all people so that he might save...
“Trouble-maker or Truth-seeker” – Acts 17:1-15
February 6, 2022 Acts 17:1-15 “Trouble-maker or Truth-seeker” Service Overview: In this section, Luke again holds out to us as examples two wildly different reactions when various groups of people hear the gospel; riotous anger, and exemplary virtue. And in this section, we’re commended with the virtue of the Bereans; who diligently searched the scriptures...
“Letter to Live By” – Acts 15:22-35
Sunday, January 16, 2022 Acts 15:22-35 “Letter to Live By” Service Overview: Conflict in church is inevitable (because they are made up of people who are sinful and fallible), but something amazing and beautiful happens when it settles its differences and comes together to move forward. Memory Verse for the Week: “For in Christ Jesus...
“Freed by Faith” – Acts 15:1-21
Sunday, January 9, 2022 Acts 15:1-21 “Freed by Faith” Service Overview: Salvation is by faith alone, and yet, it’s often helpful when groups have a common starting point so there is less to distract them in their shared mission and purpose. Memory Verse for the Week: “For it is by grace you have been saved,...