Kid’s Club meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8:00 PM

We have Open Gym from 6:15-6:30pm.  You can register now by clicking HERE!

Valentine’s Deliveries Rescheduled for 2/19/25

For kids to participate in the rescheduled Valentine’s deliveries this Wednesday, a NEW permission form needs to be completed since we are going on a different date than the original permission form stated.  A permission form can be found:

  1. Online at
  2. When you come to church Wednesday night, they will be on the Welcome Table as you enter.
  3. You can print a form at home to complete.  The form can be found here:  KC Valentine Deliveries Permission Form


General Kid’s Club Information:

All students in Kindergarten – 5th grade are welcome to attend Kid’s Club (KC)!  Each week we will have a Bible story, snacks, & one prize option (additional prizes can be ordered and received the following week).  Kid’s Club meetings usually have a lesson and games and occasionally we have a craft or other special activity.  Kid’s Club meets from 6:30 – 8:00 PM.

It is helpful if children attending register for Kid’s Club so we have up-to-date information to best care for the children present.  Children can register by clicking here.  (Kids registered will receive 10 KC pts.)

If you need a ride to Kid’s Club, please contact our van coordinator Sharon Frank before 4:30 PM Wednesday at 517-425-0634.  

We will be awarding KC points this year (see below) for kids to earn weekly prizes or save up for special things.  The grand prize (if kids have the self-control to save) is a trip to Chuck E. Cheese in June 2025 from 12:45-7:30 PM.  This trip will cost 550 KC points and can be purchased any time throughout the KC year!

For more information about Kid’s Club please contact Pastor Jody at 517-918-2849/ or visit

Current Kid’s Club Information:

Kid’s Club will meet the last 4 Wednesdays in January.  All elementary students (K-5th) are welcome to come to Kid’s Club!  Each week we will have a Bible story, snacks, & prizes.  Kid’s Club meetings usually have a lesson and games and occasionally we have a craft or other special activity.  Kid’s Club meets from 6:30-8:00pm, beginning with Worship in the sanctuary.  The gym will be open from 6:15-6:30pm.

This month we will be looking at the wisemen and how they came to worship Jesus.  Then we will be talking about the example Jesus set for us in the way He grew up.  We will look at Jesus when he’s 12 years old, then his baptism, and finally his temptation.  The memory verse for the month (worth 15 pts. each week) is Philippians 2:5 In your lives you must think and act like Christ Jesus.

January 15-29 we will be working on Valentine’s cards and gifts during craft time.  We will address cards to be distributed to local shut-ins and make gifts to give with the cards.  Each child will also be able to make a Valentine’s gift for someone special in their life.

Bible Reading Bookmarks will be available each week to review the Bible story at home!  Bonus questions can be answered for 6+ extra points.  Bible Reading Worksheets will be available once a month for up to 20 KC points.  Kids’ point balances can be viewed at

KC points can be earned in the following ways:

Good Behavior                        1-5 pts. per week

Come to Kid’s Club                 3 pts. per week

Bring Bible to Kid’s Club       5 pts. per week

Attend Sunday School          5 pts. per week

Saying a memory verse        12-20 pts. per week

Bringing a 1st time visitor    10 pts. per week

Register for Kid’s Club           10 pts.

For more information about Kid’s Club please contact Pastor Jody at 517-918-2849 (call/text) or

To see kids’ current Kid’s Club point balances, click here!