“Rejoice Always”

1 Thessalonians 5:4-18

August 11, 2024


1) Why should we rejoice?


  • God has been faithful to His covenants throughout the ages.


  • Through His death and resurrection, we are buried in our sin and raised again to new life in Him.


  • We are called his children and heirs and granted access to His


  • He promises eternal life to those who believe in His


2) What is the joy to which the Lord calls us?


  • It is not dependent on personality, but is the spiritual fruit expected of all who serve the Lord.


  • It is not dependent on circumstance, but is a wellness rooted in Christ, regardless of exteriors.


  • It is not a fake cheerfulness we muster up of our own power, but the true life that comes from surrendering our weakness to Christ.


3) How can we cultivate this spirit of joy in our everyday lives?


  • We can practice gratitude, remembering His faithfulness.


  • We can choose to serve, allowing His Spirit to work in and through us.


  • We can let go of our expectations and be flexible, trusting that God will provide

all we need.


4) Where and when are we commanded to rejoice?


  • We rejoice in the darkest moments, when we can’t see the light at all.


  • We rejoice when things don’t go as planned and we are


  • We rejoice when we aren’t in control (Christ asks us to be humble).


5) From Whom does this power come?


  • The ability to rejoice in all circumstances is provided by Christ, through His death, resurrection, and Holy Spirit. Only by His grace are we more than conquerors.